
Friday, November 7, 2008

What Name Should I Tell Them?

In Moses (peace be upon him) first encounter with the Almighty, he was instructed to deliver the children of Israel from their bondage in Egypt. Moses felt the trouble of introducing his newly known Mighty One to the elders back there. The elders have already known a lot of idol names in Egypt. Who could He be among them? So he asked the One before him, "What name should I tell them?" Apparently, His name was not among the names of the idols of Egypt.

Moses was told to say to the Israelites: "YaHWeH, the Mighty One of your fathers - the Mighty One of Abraham, the Mighty of Isaac, and the Mighty One of Jacob - has sent me to you." And He further said, "This is My name forever, the name by which I am to be remembered from generation to generation," Exodus 3:15.

Ever wondered why the Almighty wanted Himself to be known and be called by that name "YaHWeH"?

The hieroglyphics in the blue Sapphire Stone Tablets may provide a clue. The Ten Commandments begins with the self introduction of the giver of the commandments: "I am YaHWeH your Mighty One, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery," Exodus 20:2.

His name in the Sapphire Stone is expressed in a 4 symbol hieroglyphics written by the Almighty's own finger: Yod, He, Waw, He. What do those symbols mean to us? What do those symbols mean to Him?

Yod is a Hebrew hieroglyphic symbol of a hand. The hand is used to represent giving and receiving.

He, this is symbolized by a sprouting plant. It represents light or life moving towards the light.

Waw is symbolized by a balance. This is used to connect, at times representing justice and mercy.

Yod and He is YaH, these when combined means Giver of Life. When we say HalleluYaH, it means Praise ye Giver of Life.

Waw connects the two He in He Waw He. This means from life to life, justice and mercy from life to life, or justice and mercy from eternity to eternity.

Yod He Waw He, pronounced YaHWeH, collectively, the symbols means the Eternal, Just and Merciful Giver of Life.

The blue Sapphire Stone Tablets do not just tell us of a name. The symbols depict the character of the owner of the name. We see here the Creator lending His wisdom through the letters of the Sapphire Stone Tablets, that we may see and understand His nature.

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