
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Veggies That Burn Abdominal Fat

Vegetables That Help You Lose Belly Fat 

There are certain vegetables that can stimulate the burning of belly fat. I guess that you are not aware of that. This is a class of green vegetables that have phytonutrients which are really helpful and can effectively eliminate stomach fat.
I’d like to tell you about these unique and extraordinary green veggies and how they can burn the fat out from your stomach and give you more energy.

Chemicals that induce your body to accumulate fat in your belly…

You heard a lot about certain chemicals incidentally used in the production of food like pesticides, herbicides, and a lot about certain petrochemical compounds that pollute the air and water, and household cleaners, cosmetic products and many more. These can react with your body and make it store excess fats in the area of your abs.
These chemicals are known as xenoestrogens. These are chemical compounds and by-products that you are exposed to daily and can’t avoid in this modern world, and those have estrogenic effects in your body. Excessive exposure to those can cause hormone balance disruptions for both men and women. These can be harmful and wreak havoc in the body for both guys and gals.
These estrogenic chemicals that you are exposed to daily can induce your body to accumulate belly fat, along with many other health problems which include cancer risks in the long term.

How does this remarkable class of vegetables work?

One of the important things which I recommend to my clients that seek nutritional counseling is to consider the consumption of cruciferous vegetables in their diet. These have been tried and proven to get rid of stomach fat.
Here’s why. Cruciferous vegetables such as brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, kale, and many others contain special and unique phytonutrients such as indole-3-carbinol (I3C) that help fight against these estrogenic chemical compounds.
By fighting against the belly fat stimulating estrogenic chemicals, this is one more step which can significantly help you to win the battle against abdominal fat!
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How Safe is Your Weight Loss Diet?

Your Previous Diet May Have Not Been Safe…

Every New Year provides an opportunity to plan for a change of personal outlook, always for the better. And most often when men and women make new resolutions, it involves weight loss and best ways to diet. A noticeable number of questions have come to the National Metabolic Research and Longevity Research Center concerning past diets that people has gone into. They are curious to know if their past dieting has not been harmful to them instead.

The truth is, there have been a number of harmful weight loss “solutions” that were told out there and applied by people who were desperately trying to look fit, and are willing to try just about anything.

And here are few of the questions concerning their previous “best meal plans” that keep cropping up:

Q: “I’ve been eating nothing but protein; I thought this was the best way to lose weight. But now I doubt it and I’m afraid I might have done some irreversible damage to my body. Can I fix this?”

A: Of course you can! And you can correct things up. Your high protein diet has to be discontinued, and you have to reintroduce vegetables and fruits into your diet plan. When you keep your calorie intake at a reasonable level, you’ll see that many of the adverse effects that you have experienced will immediately go away.

Q: “I’ve tried every diet out there to lose weight….Atkins, Hollywood, you name it. Have I done internal harm?”

A: Fad diets do not actually help, and they are totally bad news. Safe miracle drinks and replacement meals that take you to a hunger weight loss plan to melt away your extra weight don’t exist. You do have to STOP THAT FAD DIET. It is not healthy!

Now I got your attention. It is easy and simple to live healthy. You only have to include in your meals plenty of vegetables, preferably raw. When you eat meat, take poultry, tuna, and egg whites. When you eat healthy, you can actually undo the damages these so called miracle diets created.

Q: “I know what I’m doing is harmful to my body, but if I change my diet now, I’m sure I’m going to gain all the weight back. What can I do?”

A: If the diet you are on is unhealthy and dangerous, that needs to be immediately changed. You can learn from here how you can boost your metabolism and lose weight the safe and natural way, and that is without jeopardizing your health which places you in danger. You can look good and will feel good. And that’s what is important!
Visit for videos and more free tips on Safe Weight Loss Diet

Matcha: The Best Antioxidant

Health Benefits of Low Fat Matcha

People around the world are going wild about matcha.  Young and old folks, the matcha fever is on!   It’s kicking off its way in countries like Canada and next in consumer line is the United States. 

What is this thing called matcha and what’s so special about it?   It’s a potent and healthy Japanese green tea and one of the most distinct teas in the market today.  Savor its good, great taste with its low fat content  quality.   What else could you ask for from a green tea like matcha?  

What then makes it unique from the rest of the green teas?  Though currently you may not totally find it yet  in every store outlet shelf,   it will  certainly be  coming right before your very  eyes in coffee bars, smoothie bars  and department stores.    
The most superior matcha is found in Uji Tawara area in Japan.  The koicha which is the “thick tea”   and usucha, the “thin tea” are the two different kinds  of matcha. The most essential use of matcha is in Japanese tea ceremonies.
What’s the difference between matcha and other teas? Only the matcha leaves are ground  into a fine powder  and mixed with hot water with the stems and veins excluded. You will be ingesting the whole pulverized leaf if you drink the tea.   This is the reason why matcha tea is more enriched in nutrients and anti-oxidants than other prevailing teas in the world market today.         
With its low fat content and containing only very minimal amount of caffeine,  drinking the tea will make you relax and makes you worry-free since there are no harmful effects of the element of caffeine.  

Matcha tea, the best complete, healthy   and delectable choice than the most common  black coffees and  lattes  that  consumers  take  nowadays is  something I highly urge you to try and  I bet you’ll never  regret it!
Visit for videos and more articles on Low Fat Diet

How to Eliminate Belly Fat

9 Tips to a Flat Belly

A flat belly is one of the goals for many people, women especially. For women, that can be a lofty goal. Pregnancy and the natural tendency for a woman's body to retain fat in the stomach area both work against her when trying to achieve a flat belly.There are ways to get that ideal looking stomach. Hard work and dedication can really pay off. Here are 9 tips you can use to reach that flat belly goal: Flat Belly

Tip #1: Take your time.
Too often people rush into a weight loss program expecting the results from the beginning. This is not going to happen, especially in the stomach area. A flat belly is a combination of low body fat, along with toned muscles, which both take time to accomplish. Start out knowing it will be a slow process so you don't get too discouraged.

Flat Belly Tip #2: Set Smart Goals
Along the same lines with taking things slow, you want to set goals, but make sure they are reasonable. Don't set goals you can't reach, like losing 20 pounds in a week.

Flat Belly Tip #3: Stand Up Straighter
Good posture can be a quick fix for belly issues. Just standing up straighter elongates your body and can get rid of some belly bulge. You should make it a point to watch your posture and try to stand up and sit up straight all the time.

Flat Belly Tip #4: Change Your Diet.
Some foods are notorious for causing belly bloat. You can often eliminate a lot of your problems simply by avoiding foods that cause bloating. This can cause immediate, visible results.

Flat Belly Tip #5: Get Aerobic Exercise.
Many people think they need to  just focus on  core exercises. Working the stomach alone may tone up that area and is a good idea when trying to get a flat belly, but you also need aerobic exercises that will burn fat and create a lean mid-section.

Flat Belly Tip #6: Twisting More
Incorporate exercises into your routine that involve twisting of the torso. This twisting motion will hit the obloquies or side abdominal muscles and help to create a thin look to the mid-section.

Flat Belly Tip #7: Work your lower abs
Many people think only about crunches when doing abs exercises. You are missing a large section of your abs muscles when you do this. You also need to hit the lower abs. This can be done easily through standing exercises where you lift the knee or kick out the leg.

Flat Belly Tip #8: Pilates
Pilates are amazing for the abs muscles since the focus of moist Pilates exercises are on the core. You use your core to stabilize your whole body, which really strengthens and tones this area.

Flat Belly Tip #9: Use exercise equipment
You can make great use of workout balls, bands and other equipment to assist you with working your abs muscles. These pieces of equipment cause you to work your abs muscles no matter what exercises you are doing. Things like exercise balls and bands are also very cheap to buy, so you can get a great workout for a small investment.
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Developing Your Self through Exercise

Exercise That Breaks Boundaries

This exercise that I will be introducing to you is so enjoyable, very simple, gratifying and I’ll tell you, it really works to your greatest advantage! This is a pleasant new exercise program that will cultivate and enhance yourself and assist you to accomplish your very best abilities.

Should you wish to learn anything and everything, by far the most indisputable way it isn't just by doing it yourself but educate others how to do it. Allow them duplicate what you learn. Utilize this “teaching” method no matter what you have to accomplish.. If you would definitely burn your body fats, regulate or lose your weight, firm up muscles, enhance body awareness, whatever your life’s aspirations, clearly you could benefit from this sort of “teaching” approach. Do not forget, you find out more yourself by teaching others!

This kind of exercise I’m telling you is indeed easy and fun for you to do..

Go around the things blocking the path which can be blocking your way to reach your main objective; find the difficult areas which happens to be troubling you; review carefully, eliminate the retardants and write them down. Teach somebody else subsequently the way to get over these same constraints that trouble you in attaining your aim.

Suppose you are writing a narrative or a section of the Sunday paper that will improve your imagined students to become successful. Jot down in a systematic way the most suited steps about how you can thrust past those roadblocks.

After you finish this exercise, you will not only determine exactly what is essential for you do to avoid that obstacle that blocks your way, but you will likewise possess the tools and devices to break each obstructions that get into your track. Test it out. I’m certain you can be joyfully stunned that this exercise works. I bet you do! 
Visit for videos and more free tips on Building Self Esteem

Food that Promotes Physical Health

Low Fat Foods for Physical Wellness

Are you feeling life shouldn't be as short as everyone says it is? Would you like to live beyond the usual life time?

Living an extended life can be satisfying if you've preserved a healthy physical condition and everyone loves to live and enjoy life longer.

But are you aware that by as much as nearly seven years, you can in fact enhance your life span, and at the same time keep yourself generally healthy and well-balanced at this period in life?

It was really never hard. You just need to ensure that your diet now contains the ideal varieties of foods. Basically, these foods should have zero fat contents...

Eating healthy foods, those with reduced fat contents, for example fish and greens, can actually maximize a person’s physical well-being and maximize the lifespan that health conscious people have noticed for some time. Good news for each and every one of us is that there is a new research which says that the impact of healthy eating behaviors is cumulative.

Below are the list of foods which I believe promote health and longevity:

  • almonds
  • blueberries
  • red grapes
  • spinach
  • garlic
  • salmon
  • whole grains

You will notice that these foods are of those types which have a zero fat content. And these have been discovered to lessen blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and in effect, reduces the risk of heart problems.

Salmon is low in fat, and has a high level of beneficial omega acids. Omega acids have been identified to reduce the threat of heart disease by more than thirty percent.

There was a study made to examine the combined impacts of these longevity foods and it confirmed that men lived nearly seven years longer, while women lived nearly five years longer as compared to the normal. The subjects have been also observed to have felt better and had healthy hearts.

This study, which were seen in the British Medical Journal, just proves that by eating healthy foods with reduced fat content, and rich with other essential elements and nutrients, a person can live much longer  normally without the help of remedies for the heart.
Visit for videos and more free tips on Foods for Longevity