
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Food that Promotes Physical Health

Low Fat Foods for Physical Wellness

Are you feeling life shouldn't be as short as everyone says it is? Would you like to live beyond the usual life time?

Living an extended life can be satisfying if you've preserved a healthy physical condition and everyone loves to live and enjoy life longer.

But are you aware that by as much as nearly seven years, you can in fact enhance your life span, and at the same time keep yourself generally healthy and well-balanced at this period in life?

It was really never hard. You just need to ensure that your diet now contains the ideal varieties of foods. Basically, these foods should have zero fat contents...

Eating healthy foods, those with reduced fat contents, for example fish and greens, can actually maximize a person’s physical well-being and maximize the lifespan that health conscious people have noticed for some time. Good news for each and every one of us is that there is a new research which says that the impact of healthy eating behaviors is cumulative.

Below are the list of foods which I believe promote health and longevity:

  • almonds
  • blueberries
  • red grapes
  • spinach
  • garlic
  • salmon
  • whole grains

You will notice that these foods are of those types which have a zero fat content. And these have been discovered to lessen blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and in effect, reduces the risk of heart problems.

Salmon is low in fat, and has a high level of beneficial omega acids. Omega acids have been identified to reduce the threat of heart disease by more than thirty percent.

There was a study made to examine the combined impacts of these longevity foods and it confirmed that men lived nearly seven years longer, while women lived nearly five years longer as compared to the normal. The subjects have been also observed to have felt better and had healthy hearts.

This study, which were seen in the British Medical Journal, just proves that by eating healthy foods with reduced fat content, and rich with other essential elements and nutrients, a person can live much longer  normally without the help of remedies for the heart.
Visit for videos and more free tips on Foods for Longevity

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