Researchers have found that walking improves health and significantly affects the components of physical fitness.
- Body Composition. According to studies, walking four times a week for 45 minutes each time, you can lose 18 pounds in a year even without a change in diet. Walking can help trim your fat and tone your muscles.
- Cardiovascular Fitness. Walking two or three times a week for 20 minutes increases your cardiovascular strength. By increasing the strength of the heart and lungs, you consequently increase your ability to exercise longer and harder. It also enable you to perform your daily tasks without getting tired too soon.
- Muscular Endurance. Walkers develop a moderate amount of endurance, which enables them to exercise for a longer time before they get tired or exhausted. Race walkers have been found to have a high endurance which may be comparable to marathon runners.
- Muscular Strength. You gain some muscular strength with walking. Muscles that get an extra workout with this exercise include the entire back of the leg, from the calves to the hamstrings to the gluteals in the buttocks. You also use your upper body muscles in the back and the shoulders because of the arm swing.
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